Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer is taking off!!

Our summer at SOF is starting out great!! We have 10 little ones in our DanceCamp this week with Miss Natalie, and they are loving it!!! (DanceCamps in July for little ones is almost sign up now if you are interested!)

Next week we start our ABC Summer Intensive for ages 6-8, and we already have 6 coming!! (Not too late to sign up for summer programs!) And then we begin our Summer Intensive for ages 8 and up on June 16th. I am personally so excited about this summer! I've enjoyed my time off, but miss seeing all "my girls"! I got to fill in for Ms. Theresa for one of her "pick-up" classes for our Sr. Apprentices and Sr. Company last week, and had a blast!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer break! Hope to see many of you soon!!!

Oh, Blessings to Ms. Kelsey HARRIS, who is moving to Uganda, Africa tomorrow! I love you and will miss you dearly! Please join me in praying for her and her new husband as they begin their married life together in Africa! She will be returning to the States in 1 year!!!
